
Languages/linguistics is one of my interests and I love learning about when I have the time and energy not only for the communication benefits but I just think languages are so neat. So I decided to create a dedicated page to them to indulge any curiosities about where I am on my language learning journey.

Native and Primary Language

My first language and one I still use most often today.


Rusty Languages

There was a point in my life where I devoted a lot of time and effort to studythese languages. Haven't used these languages consistently in a while so at the minimum, I can only guarantee being able to hold very basic conversations in them. I still do my best to not let my skills in these languages totally degrade though.

French, Japanese


These are languages I've begun my learning journey on and am making active efforts to learn when I can.

Spanish, Vietnamese

In My Dreams...

Languages I would like to learn one day. It might not happen in this lifetime but it sure is nice to dream and it's fun to research for character and world-building purposes in the meanwhile.

Mandarin, Korean, Irish, and more